Monday, August 27, 2018

Mis queridos amigos y familia (My dear friends and family) - Mon 8/20/2018, 11:38 AM

Me, working out.
Dear friends and family,
This week was really busy. We had a zone conference, and we just tried to keep up on all of the things that we have to do. 
We had a pretty cool expereicne that happened. A few weeks ago, our district leader started to talk to us about some stories in the Bible, and how they work with helping people make comitments and show true faith in the Lord. One of the stories was of a Sameratin named Namaan. He had leprousy and was certain that he would die. It just so happened that one of his servants was a jewish girl that told him of a prophet that could heal him. Namaan went, and the prophet sent out his servent and told Namaan to go wash himself seven times in the Jordan River. So he went, and he went away mad. Until one of his servents said, "What's the worst that could happen? If the prophet had asked you to do something big, would you not do it? So why not do something small" Our district leader compared it to when our investigators need to show faith, but their friends that are members tell them about something. 
Our investigator, N., had a member friend who told her about priesthood blessings before we got a chance to tell her. We got a call from her asking us to go give a blessing to her daughter who had just had a baby. N. showed a lot of faith in the Lord in that moment. She probably doesn't understand the importance of what she asked us to do, but she knows that it helped and that God loves us. 
It was a really humbling experience. 
I love you guys!
Elder DuBose
p.s. Some food from Guatamala that Elder Perez showed me,
and some of my favorite companions in the zone conference,

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