Monday, April 2, 2018

A little shakey, but it all worked out! - Mon 3/26/2018, 4:49 PM

Dear friends, family, and everyone in between,
We got a really scary phone call on thursday. My companion was invited to the leadership council in Aguascalentes on Thursday. We had the baptismal interview for Hermana Landeros that same night. He left two hours before the interview and I got to stay with Elder Martinez and Elder Gerhke from the Espanita Ward and make sure that everything ended up alright with the baptism that we had in Saturday. She passed the interview on Thursday, we cleaned the font on Friday, we checked the water and the boiler, and everything seemed to be going perfect. 
Then .... Saturday morning, Elder Martinez, Elder Gerhke and I went to fill up the font. There was no water anywhere.  We called the Bishop, the Bishop from espanita, our first counselor, and our ward mission leader. None of them knew what to do. Our ward mission leader called a water truck to come fill up the font,...
Me, filling up the font.
...and we hurried to the bus stacion to pick up Elder Hernandez.
To make a long story short, everything worked out just right, and Hermana Landeros got confirmed the next day. 
It was a long road for Hermana Landeros to get baptized, and it might be a little longer before some of her family joins her, but I saw the hand of the Lord working miracles in her life this week, and I know that this isn't the work of men. It is the work of God and no man can stop it. Miracles happen everyday, and I'm so grateful for all of the ones that I have got to see. God lives and loves each of his children. His plan is perfect, and He invites each of us to be a part of it.
I know that is true.
I love you all!
Elder DuBose
p.s. Fotos from the baptism.

with Elder Martinez and Elder Gerhke 
Birthday Selfie

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